Friday, October 31, 2008

October 31

What does this day mean? For all of you at home, especially my younger friends, it means the chance to celebrate Halloween. Happy Halloween! My sweet friend Kelly gave Kalina a cute pumpkin costume. I told Kalina about Halloween this morning, and she listened very carefully. Maybe she could be a Thanksgiving pumpkin??
For me, this year October 31 means that we've been away from home for 8 weeks or 56 days. Every day God has given us strength for the day. Some days we don't feel we can make it through even one more day. This morning I made a November calendar. Who would have ever thought we'd be entering our third month here? A few days ago I went into a panic and despair, wondering when we'll ever come home. The message God gave Nadeem and me was to focus on the present, taking one day at a time. He'll provide. Every time I start worrying about the future it's a problem.
I've never been away from home for more than 10 days and that was just last year when we ewent to Europre for vacation. I'm a homebody. I'm the child who cried at Girl Scout camping trips and (though I wouldn't have admitted it then) even as a middle schooler on our Washington, D.C. trip. Nadeem grew up traveling and loves it. He always pushes me to stay gone a little longer, and I say no. I miss my home, my cats, my loved ones, and my routine too much. Some friends predicted that once I had Kalina that I would forget all about being away and feel really happy. Every day I miss being at home. I look at her and think about all that she has waiting for her. You would not ever want to raise your chlid in a third world country, in my opinion.
I've only made it through 8 weeks by the strength of God. It's a mighty strength that keeps you going when you're ready to quit. Before the trip I was scared and dreaded it and even sobbed the day we had to leave. (Thank God I had no idea what was in store!) I heard Beth Moore, a popular Bible teacher, explain a Bible verse about being "thoroughly equipped." She explained that the original meaning of this is "thoroughly equipped for now." She said that many are worried that they're not ready for what God has called them to do but that's becuase it's not time. When the time comes, you'll be ready. I feel the reality of that verse because in my own strength I could not be here.
Love to all from Sherri, Nadeem, and our precious Thanksgiving Pumpkin!
We plan to be home to give great thanks with you by the end of this month if not sooner! Kalina won't be 4 months for too much longer!
Special thanks to my mom and my cousin Tena for relentlessly pounding on doors of senators and representatives to bring us home!
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, THOUROUGHLY EQUIPPED for every good work>' -2 Timothy 3:16,17

1 comment:

Unknown said...

God is working this out to get you home.
Your finger prints are in Texas and should be processed next week per Senator Isakason's man Charles Spry.

"And you will have confidence, because there is hope; you will be protected and take your rest in safety."--Job 11:18

I thank God for you all and the faith that keeps you strong as God does provide daily what we need.
There will be singing, dancing and thanking God when I see you all safely home.
Your blog gives me hope and builds my faith. Thank you for being you and all the love you give to others.
Mom g/mother