Thursday, October 9, 2008

Another Step Forward

Today Charles Spry from Senator Isakson's office emailed us and the US Embassy in Bangladesh the address for the fingerprints! Talk about speedy help! Thanks to my mom for calling him. Hopefully when the Embassy opens again on Monday they will FedEx the fingerprints that day with no further confusion. That is our prayer need-for protection over the fingerprint cards as they travel to Atlanta for processing. I have a lovely praise to share-at least for Nadeem and me. Last night for the first time in our 3 weeks of having Kalina, she slept for over 6 hours straight, took a bottle, and then slept for 2 1/2 more hours! Plus, we had no mosquito attacks during the night! Sometimes the little things in life as just as miraculous and valued as the big ones!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Great news!!! Glad to hear that you had a good night with lots of sleep last night, too. It feels like such a gift when you have a new baby!

Thinking of you and praying for all to go well with the final processing.
Love, Jill