Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kalina & Mom Playing in Front of the Mirror


Unknown said...

Adorable Mom and baby:)
I am counting the minutes until God sets you all free to come home so I can see and hug you all and get to know Kalina.
Jesus loves you and God is working all things together for your good.
I love you
Mom g/mother

Tena said...

What a precious picture. You both look happy. Kalina has really grown a bunch already and what a beautiful smile on both of you.

Love you and stay strong.

Anonymous said...

Awesome picture. We also thank God for the technology that allows us to communicate and pray for you guys in a visable way. I hope that you feel the light of hope every day until you are home. Ed & cindy

Kellie said...

You all are such an inspiration. Will and I are praying desperately for God to deliver you home. Kalina is beautiful and can't wait to meet her. I saw your story on Chanel 5 news... It was a great piece. I pray the right people take care of this situation immediately. God bless all three of you.

Kellie Nuckolls

Mandy said...

Kalina and MOM...her smile is all the encouragement we need to continue to pray for you daily. We love you!

AtlantaSavannahLady said...

Hi lovely people..........! You all are so valient (sp) and you have truly touched my heart. I just can't tell you have many people I've shared your story with and how many people I've called to tell them to what the news on tv when Rita was on "fighting" to bring her family home. She was awesome; you should be very proud of her. Just kidding, I know you are.:>) She has left no stone unturned in contacting anyone she can possibly think of. We'll try to come up with a few more very soon.

Actually, you are correct, there is a story in all of this and i think you have a handle on that for sure. I'm seeing a wonderful book arising from the ashes here. Any way know that I love you all and there are many prayers raised daily....from people you don't even know.

What is Kalina's favorite color (now isn't that silly?) Do you think she would like a pretty pink dress??? or pink shoes??? pin hair....Just kidding. I know your gift is to bring that lovely gift from God to your family and loved ones. We are waiting for you. I don't know but am quite sure that you all will have enough babysitters for at least the firt 10 years of her life. We'll give you some "honeymoon time" when you are ready. Heck, Maybe Rita will let me come up and spend the night with Kalina, of course. While Mom and Dad have a quiet weekend.

I didn't intend to be so wordy but my heart and love is with you. Hurry home.!!!!!!! Judi & Ashley Benedict Ashley is so looking forward to seeing you all. Love to you all.

Jade said...

Hi Sherry,

This is Jade, Lydia's niece. It seems as though your story has reached a lot of people. I wanted to let you know that your blogs bring tears to my eyes but not in a sad way. Your story is a great testament to your faith and very inspiring to me and everyone that reads them. I love all of the bible stories that you reference while blogging and it seems to me that your story is a modern day bible story. How exciting even though it doesnt seem that way right now. I wanted to let you know that our family is thinking of you and praying for your speedy return with your newest addition.

Susan said...

My first thought was, what a beautiful mother and daughter. You are in my prayers for a speedy return. I can't wait to see Kalina in person.