Wednesday, December 3, 2008


This morning we woke to the most joyful news! My mom emailed that our fingerprints are approved!!! She received the word from Senator Isakson's office on Wednedsay at 4:00 p.m.! The end is truly in sight! We've just called the embassy here, and they're looking for the approval message from the USCIS. Even if they don't have it today, they'll have it for certain by Sunday when they re-open. They'll close again on Tuesday for the Muslim holiday. Even if we have to wait several more days, that's nothing compared to weeks and months!!! The second package is also scheduled to arrive today!!! We have enough supplies to last us until Christmas when WE WILL BE HOME!!! Nadeem will be able to keep his position at SunTrust!!! I am sobbing with joy and relief, and Nadeem is praising God. Kalina is lying happily in bed because she kept eating and eating her yummy formula from home all night long to make up for the days she wouldn't eat. Little does she know what an unbelievable, warm, loving greeting awaits her in her home!!! THANK YOU, GOD!!!! Thank you, Mom, for fighting on our behalf!!! Happy Birthday to my mom! God gave her a better gift than we could!! Thank you, faithful prayer warriors for standing by us!!! Please continue to pray! The journey is not quite over! We need the approval news clearly communicated to the embassy here so that we can file our petition to bring Kalina home. We need speedy approval. They've promised us 2-3 days to get the approval. We need safety in travel. Thank you! We can't wait to see you all and hug you and introduce you to Kalina!
"You will praise the name of the Lord your God who has worked wonders for you."
-Joel 2:26


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! :-)

laurelaggie said...

Hurray! Yay God!

Kelly said...


Mom and I will continue to pray for a speedy visa and a safe trip home!

Happy Birthday Ms. Payne!

Darcie Johnson said...

We are excited and are anxiously awaiting your arrival home! I see a huge party in your honor! Party hats for Kalina!!

Susan O. said...

Praise, God! I was so happy for all of you when I read this posting. What great news!! I am happy for you that you'll be home soon and that Nadeem will be able to keep his job.....true blessings! Safe travels to all of you and hugs to come soon.

Unknown said...

I am just so HAPPY for you three. My name is Kelly Byerly I work with the law firm Andersen, Tate and Carr where Nadeem has his closings. I also know Hasan through SunTrust and Kelly Borger that you teach with and I are in bible study at church together. I have read your blog these last few weeks and I am so inspired by your journey. I will continue to pray for your safe return.
God Bless you and yours.
Kelly Hartley Byerly

Jill said...

Yea, yea, yea!!! How wonderful to finally read some joyful news for you all! You have been so patient and faithful. I can't imagine how difficult it has been to cope with all of the bureaucracy and confusion in getting approval from your own country. I am so happy that you will soon be bringing Kalina home to meet her extended family and many, many friends. I sure wish I could be there!

You three and Hasan's gracious family continue to be in my prayers!
Love, Jill

jklswife said...

Ditto from us---YAY GOD!!!
love, john and michele

Kelly said...


Cindie and Dale just got home from an AMAZING trip to Jerusalem. She wants me to tell y'all that while there she prayed at the WAILING WALL for your safe and quick return!
Needless to say, she is overjoyed at the news that y'all are indeed coming home.

God is good!