Monday, December 15, 2008

It's Always Darkest Just Before Dawn

A few weeks ago our friend Darcie laughingly said that our story is like a Lifetime movie. Now it's turning into a mini-series. For our younger readers, after this week's events, our story could be the plot for the next Series of Unfortunate Events books. Just a week ago we were celebrating Eid and getting ready for our visa interview the next day. The US Embassy had looked at all of our paperwork and said that we should have our visa by Thursday. We started making preparations to come home. Since then a lot has happened.
First the embassy told us that we need the "no objection" certificate from the Bangladesh government. At first this seemed impossible. You must have a pass to enter the Home Ministry building, and these are very difficult to obtain. Once inside, you must know the proper people to get the help you need. Nadeem's uncles came to the rescue. One called the head of the Home Ministry to pave the way, and the other escorted Nadeem personally. Then came the next problem. They asked for a form from the court that we don't have. It's a sort of receipt saying that we did indeed appear in the court and get legal guardianship. We already have all the court papers needed for the US Embassy and to get Kalina released into our custody three months ago. Only adoptive parents wanting a visa for their baby would need this particular form that we don't have. Once the baby is older you no longer need it. Only at this time is it required. The magistrate never got this for us. Due to all the holidays, the courts are not open much in December, especially for matters like this. In addition, an official police officer from the government must come to our apartment here to make certain that Kalina really exists-their version of Homeland Security. I mentioned yesterday that there is a minor problem with Kalina's passport, so we also have to return to the passport office to get this corrected. Then we can return to the US Embassy to apply for the visa again.
Things in Bangladesh run differently than in the US. Here connections and money help. However, all of this still takes time. Instead of dealing with one issue, we now have multiple issues. Holidays interrupt the process since all offices close. Today is Victory Day here, sort of like our Independence Day. Next week is Christmas.
Yesterday Nadeem and Hasan's mom met with the magistrate who is surely akin to Cruella de Ville in 101 Dalmations. After our unpleasant dealings with him in September I was so thankful never to have to see his face again. Little did we know! In the middle of making fun of Nadeem and me for being foreigners and for being Cruella-ish, he kept trying to hold Nadeem's hand! Talk about creepy! What's worse is that he is the magistrate that the orphanage uses. How sad is that!
To say that we're weary, discouraged, and upset is an understatement. We feel like we've been slammed to the ground. However, we will not lose hope and faith in our God! He has brought us this far, and He will bring us safely home! Our victory day is near!
Here for Victory Day it seems that most people watch celebrations on TV-bands playing (oorah boorah bands, as Nadeem said as he listened to the out of tune screechings), people singing, and others giving speeches. Let's talk about our victory day Celebration of Praise and Worship! We had a question about where we want to have this. I have no specific plan, just the beginning of an idea. What I picture is all of you at home gathered together with us to give thanks to God for what He has done. We'll all sing and shout together and praise God for hearing all of our cries and for providing for His children. That will be a true victory day!!!
"My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."
-2 Corinthians 12:9


Unknown said...

He protected us along all the way that we went, and among all the peoples through whom we passed."--Joshua 24:17

Praying that God will work all things together for your good and Give you favor with all the people in Bangladesh.
Your love & joy in the Lord will give you strength and peace as we all wait for the deliverance.
See you soon!!
Mom g/mother

Darcie Johnson said...

I still think we are part of a Lifetime Movie. Remember that these movies help to enlighten others of situations that people go through that has made them stronger. You may feel defeated at times, but you have given all of your readers the specific prayers that are needed to encourge your family on this journey. You have always been a source of faith for me and nw it is a time for me to be a source of faith for you. Your story is speaking beyond words to us your readers and we all have faith that God is in charge. We are planning a celebration for your return, however we have a small venue and doubt we can fit all the people you have touched on this journey. We realize that you are excited to come home, and know that you would prefer a peaceful entrance into the US to help Kalina with the adjustment and to be able to feel comfortable in your OWN home with family. Know that we pray for your family continuiously and we love all of you!

I know that your journey seems long.."Return home and tell how much God has done for you."
Luke 8:39

P.S. Ryan wants to know if you would be interested in giving him piano lessons? Extra cash!

Jill said...

Oorah boorah! Yes, I love this phrase, too. It does seem that your adventure is becoming a Series of Unfortunate Events . . . but we know all will be well in the end; the end is just a little farther than everyone had hoped! Sending love and prayers to you! Know that I think of you all constantly. (I love all the recent pics - esp. the rooftop one of Sherri & Kalina!)