Dhaka, Bangladesh-Interest is growing in the young newcomer to the TV scene, Miss Kalina Moriah Kaiser. News reports indicate that Kalina has quite a following. Massive amounts of people are praying for this little girl's speedy return home. Some of the faithful readers of the blog have posed questions about Kalina, so today's blog features an interview with our little darling.
Tiger 1 News (we don't have foxes here in Bangladesh): Kalina, Judi writes "What is Kalina's favorite color?"
Kalina: coos, squeals
T1: Oh, you like every color? We see you're looking around the news studio and are especially fascinated with patterns and any 3D designs. We've seen you in many cute clothes, and you seem equally happy in any sort of clothing.
Kalina: gives big smile
T1: Mandy writes, "Do you have a rocking chair in your room?"
Kalina's mom: I'll answer this one. At home, she has a lovely rocker that our friend Angela gave her. Here, I am the human rocker and swing. Kalina loves any kind of motion including riding in her new stroller.
T1: Kalina, we've heard rumors that you fall asleep during every stroller ride. Is this true?
Kalina: smiles, buries head in mom's neck
T1: Mandy continues, "Who is the fastest diaper changer?"
Kalina's mom: I'll answer this one. I am definetly faster. Her daddy takes great care in making sure that Kalina is perfectly clean and that her diaper is fastened properly. Kalina is equally happy with both diaper changers. Dirty diapers don't bother her at all.
T1: Kalina, what are some of your favorite things to do?
Kalina: makes razzing sound
T1: Oh, you love to make sounds with your tongue and mouth. You also love to see yourself in mirrors, kick your legs wildy, smile at people, and be entertained. Do you have a favorite song?
Kalina's mom: Not really. She loves music, and her favorite depends on the day. Before her naps she usually gets rocked while Mommy sings praise songs. During playtime we sing made up songs, children's songs, and anything else that pops into our heads. Last night we heard Christmas songs at a restaurant, including my favorite, "Oh Holy Night."
T1: We understand that you had an outing to Pizza Hut last night. Kalina, did you have fun?
Kalina: aaahhhhh
T1: That sounds like a yes to me. We hear that you are a courageous little girl, that even when the waiters yelled the birthday song and a loud bell clanged that you didn't get scared.
Kalina's mom: This is true. Virtually nothing scares or upsets her. She also has a high tolerance for pain. She handles mosquito bites, dirty diapers, skin rashes, bumping herself in the head with toys, and even vaccines with barely a cry at all.
T1: Kalina, what makes you laugh?
Kalina: giggling
T1: Oh, we see your daddy and mommy giving you kisses on your tummy. We've also heard that you laugh when Mommy sings the goofy "baby in the mirror" song to you while you look in the mirror and when your daddy pretends he's a kitty and rubs his face against you. When do you nap?
Kalina: yells
Kalina's mom: As little as possible! She sleeps great at night. She now puts herself to sleep and sleeps soundly for 8-9 1/2 hours. During the day she'd much rather be awake. She hates to miss out on anything.
T1: Do you enjoy your bottles?
Kalina: turns head toward bottle
Kalina's mom: Yes, she has a good appetite. She's starting to recognize her bottle when we're preparing it. When we are ready to feed her, she opens her mouth in anticipation. She's enjoying her organic baby formula from America, and for the first time since we've arrived, the package has come EARLY before we ran out of supplies! Praise God! Kalina doesn't like drinking her bottle during the day. She wants to "help" me feed her. She pulls it out of her mouth and looks all around the room to see what else might be happening. Sometimes she likes to check out the bottle.
T1: What new tricks have you learned, Kalina?
Kalina: puts toe in her mouth
T1: Now that's impressive! We understand you can also stand up on Mommy's lap, roll onto your side, hold out your arms to your parents so they'll lift you up, and hold onto your mommy's hands and rise from your back to a sitting position. We also heard that you like to play peek-a-boo, but you hold your own towel or cloth and cover and uncover your own face and smile at your game. Do you like your bath?
Kalina: grabs towel, reaches for massage oil
T1: Oh, you love to wrap yourself in the towel at the end after you've received your massage. You seem like a happy, easy-going baby. Does anything bother you?
Kalina: kicking at blanket
T1: Oh, you dislike being covered with blankets, having total strangers pick you up, having your parents leave you when they go out, having your face washed, being burped, and taking a break from playing to eat or nap. When can your fans expect to meet you in your home in America?
Kalina's mom: The senators' offices are still helping us. Now Isakson's Chief of Staff is also helping. The Fox 5 news reporter has also called both senators' offices and has promised to help us get home. The latest we've heard is that the Texas Processing Center is having a hard time processing our fingerprints because they're on cardboard, and they're now using computers.
T1: We hope that God will deliver you soon. Any final words?
Kalina, her mom, her dad: We love you all! Thanks for praying for us!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
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What a fun blog today, made me laugh. Very creative and I feel like I know our little one better now that she has been interviewed:)
love, hugs and kisses to all
Mom G/mother
The Kalina Fan Club is LOL!
I feel like I already know Kalina so well now. What a sweetheart! That was very creative and cute. Really enjoyed that...lifting you up in prayer now and many many times during the day...
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