Monday, November 3, 2008

Proud to be an American

As Election Day draws near, I have received copies of the same email requesting us to pray for our country for one minute a day. I'm filled with sadness to hear of the trouble in our country, and I wish that Americans could appreciate what God has given us and return to Him with all of our hearts. No president will solve our problems, but God can.
Especially after being here in Bangladesh for so long, I love my country so much more! I realize that America is not perfect, but we live in a fallen world. In spite of the imperfections and problems in the USA, I'm still proud to be an American. The next time you are tempted to complain about issues at home, consider what you have to be thankful for.
*Grocery stores and choices in food-We have so many healthy, fresh foods at home. The quality and quantity is outstanding.
*Postal service-Our postal service is quite reliable and delivers packages and mail in a timely manner as expected most of the time.
*Clean environment-We have so many organizations that promote keeping our country clean. We have trash cans in every public area and crews who clean the sides of our roads. We have rules against littering.
*Health care-We have excellent doctors and medical facilities in the US suiting a wide range of needs from both traditional to alternative medicine. We have health insurance available.
*Entertainment-We have so many choices in this area from sports to music to movies. We can easily travel to various events and attractions.
*Technology-We have high speed Internet and reliable computers. We have modern Xerox machines and office equipment.
*Resources-We have an abundance of reliable electricity and clean water.
*Education-As a former teacher, I proudly tell you that we have some outstanding schools and universities in the USA. In addition, we have so many wonderful public libraries and bookstores.
*Transportation-We have safe, reliable public transportation. We have so many choices of brand new vehicles. We have rules of the road to prevent accidents.
*Public aid-We take care of our people and do not have streets filled with beggars.
*Freedom to worship in a Christian nation-We have so many choices for worship. We are so diverse. For Christians, there are numerous churches all over the country. Both men and women can worship together.
Someira told us that sadly Bangladesh and neighboring India are adopting the bad parts of the USA such as smoking and living together before marriage instead of choosing the good such as cleaning up the environment and making rules of the road. I think that's indicative of human nature. We'd rather go for the pleasure than abide by rules. I can tell you that I greatly appreciate the rules and structure in our country.
The election is coming. Soon we'll have a new president. Maybe you've also received the "one minute prayer" email. My feeling is that God would enjoy hearing from us a lot more than one minute a day on any subject! I can't imagine that He'll respond just because many people pray daily for one minute for our country. I think most of the time we have to have an experience that changes our heart that prompts us to really pray and seek God. If you've never left the USA, you may not think very much about how great we have it. When I read the email asking for quick prayer, I cried. If only we would stop and sincerely thank God for what He has given us! We long to be at home in the land of the free, the home of the brave, even if gas prices are high. Guess what? They're much higher here!
We're expecting the victory this week and plan to see you all soon! Thanks for continuing to stand strong in faith with us. Don't forget to vote! We wish that we could.

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